

Servant. Husband. Father. Brother.

Nice to meet you.

We all have a story.

What if I told you that our stories don't have to be limited by the plot thus far? When we choose to surrender our authorship and entrust ultimate control to Christ, the author and finisher of our faith, our stories take on a deeper and more profound meaning. I'm here to share my own journey and serve those seeking change in their lives.

Champion's Camp:

The Ultimate Game Changer.
Revolutionizing Athlete Support.
Specialized to elevate performance and well-being across all levels.

Unlock Resilience and ignite change with M3:

Empowering minds for a transformed tomorrow.

Transform the mindsets of those in your sphere of influence.


by Charlie Hatchett

Delve into the captivating journey of Charlie Hatchett as he navigates from a tumultuous past to an empowered present. "Retrofit" is not just a book; it's an intimate narrative that explores the depths of transformation through spiritual growth